Monday, October 05, 2009

Funny girl...

I wish I could have a recording of all of my conversations with Ava. They are getting crazier/funnier by the day! Today we were riding in the car and this is what she said. By the way, tea means anything of mine she isn't supposed to drink which could mean tea, coke, dr. pepper, etc.

Ava: Mommy, I'm so sorry I drank your tea! I'm really sorry I drank your tea.

Me: Did you drink my tea?

Ava: Uh huh! I drank your tea on the couch.

Me: I didn't know you drank any of my tea.

Ava: Oh, I didn't drink your tea on the rocking chair. No, I didn't drink your tea.

A few minutes later... Mommy, I did not drink your tea (just to be sure I understood) :)

This was one of those conversations where you could hear the wheels turning. She was afraid she was going to get in trouble until she realized I didn't even know what she had done. It cracked me up to hear her change her story. I'm sure a lot of you can picture her saying this.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Ha ha! That's so cute!

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