Thursday, November 06, 2008

Ava is sleeping again!

Sleep has been scarce around our house since Ava got sick, but last night she slept through the night again! Thank goodness!! Mommy needed the sleep. I felt like I had a newborn again for a few days. I think she is starting to feel better because she actually ate some oatmeal and an apple for breakfast this morning. That's more than she's had all week.

It's only 8:30 in the morning and we've already been outside to play with bubbles twice. She is still fascinated with bubbles. It's so cute now that she can actually run after them and try to pop them.

Well, I better go. She is being a little too quiet in her playroom. That's never good. :)


Claire & Eden said...

So glad she is feeling better! Btw, I'm loving the daily posts =) I love to hear what yall are up to! I'll keep you posted on the clothes - thanks again, you're so sweet

Jennifer said...

glad she's sleeping again...wish that were the case at our house! Both boys have been running fevers of 102 for 3 days. Not sure what's going on with them.

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