Sunday, November 02, 2008

Sick Baby

Our poor little baby is sick! She has been so pitiful today. She woke up with a fever of 103 and then vomited in the car. She has just been laying around all day which is quite a change for an active 21 month old! This is how she spent most of the day...

If she wasn't laying on the couch, she was sitting in her chair with a blanket over her legs. I'm not sure when she turned into an old lady! :) We hope she is feeling much better tomorrow. I did love all the extra hugs and kisses today. It's nice when they want to sit in your lap and snuggle again.

1 comment:

LisaN said...

I am sorry she's sick, but I'm glad that you get some cuddle time! Hope she feels much better soon. :-)

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