Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Poor Baby!

Well, I was right about the virus! I took Ava to the doctor this afternoon and her tongue and the back of her throat are covered in blisters. The doctor said the blisters are very painful and that is definitely the source of her fever. He said young kids often tell you their ears hurt when they have this because throat pain transfers to the ears and they can't tell the difference. Unfortunately, it is just a virus and the only thing we can give her is motrin. I just wish there was more I could do for her. I hope she is able to sleep and it isn't another long night!


Aggiema (Michelle) said...

Nothing worse than a sick baby! I hope she heals fast!

Jennifer said...

yuck! Caleb's got some kind of virus also...102 fever today and he threw up lunch. Seriously, I don't know if my kids will ever be all well again!

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