Thursday, October 05, 2006


Miss Ava Grace finally put on a big show for her daddy! Every Wednesday, Kurt and I read our pregnancy book about that week of pregnancy. We were right in the middle of doing this when Ava started kicking me like crazy. I decided to lay down to see if Kurt could finally feel her. As soon as he put his hand on my belly, she gave him the biggest kick yet! She went on kicking for several more minutes. Then she decided to move to a different part of my belly and start again. We were both so excited!

I kept wondering what had gotten into her until Kurt reminded me that I had a large sweet tea at dinner. It must have really gotten her going because she kicked me all night long. This morning I just wanted five more minutes of sleep, but Ava kicked me in my side until I got up. I love every minute of it. Of course, her kicks don't hurt yet. Check back in a few weeks and I may have a different opinion about this subject.

My sister and Caleb are coming to visit today. I don't want to load Ava up on sugar and caffeine again, but I really hope she kicks for Aunt Jennifer.


Jennifer said...

YAY!!! I have tears in my eyes just thinking about it. Now, if you could give Miss Ava a message..."Ava, Aunt Jennifer is coming to visit and she doesn't get this opportunity often, so if you could be a good girl and kick your mommy hard enough for me to feel at the exact moment I put my hand on her belly, I would be very appreciative! Now, resume sleeping and let your mommy get some rest. I love you little girl!"

I can't wait to see you today!!

victoria said...

yeah for kicking--the best feeling ever for sure. orange juice always worked for kg to start kicking.

funny about your sister and the paper addiction I knew I liked her :)

Jennifer said...

I'm so glad she listened to her Aunt Jennifer and I was able to feel her kick!

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