Wednesday, October 11, 2006

22 Weeks

The last two weeks have been very eventful. Ava went from just moving around to full blown kicking. Last night, Kurt and I discovered that we can now see Ava kick from the outside! I was laying on the couch and could see lumps/bulges every time she kicked. Very exciting! Ava either really loves her daddy or doesn't like him invading her space. She can be completely quiet, but every time he puts his hand on my belly she starts kicking like crazy. I think it's very cute. I choose to think that she just really loves her daddy.

According to Baby Center, Ava is now about 11 inches long and weighs almost a pound. She now looks like a miniature infant (not like an alien anymore). Her skin is wrinkly because she hasn't started putting on fat yet. Only 18 weeks to go before we meet our little girl! Hopefully, we will get to meet her a week or two before then...


Jennifer said...

Hard to believe she's so big already! I know you said this when I was pregnant, but it's hard to think that there's actually a baby that will come in a few months! I can't wait!

Jenn @ Knee-Deep in Munchkin Land said...

I absolutely LOVE those movements and enjoy them so much. It always reminds me why I decided to put my body through this in the first place. Those movements are so, so special.

Holly {ArtistMotherTeacher} said...

11 inches at 22 weeks? Wow! I'm just 5 weeks behind you and that seems huge to me. They sure to grow fast when you get further along don't they?

LisaN said...

This is so exciting! I continue to pray for health and blessings for you and your growing family! :-)

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