Thursday, November 06, 2008

Ava is sleeping again!

Sleep has been scarce around our house since Ava got sick, but last night she slept through the night again! Thank goodness!! Mommy needed the sleep. I felt like I had a newborn again for a few days. I think she is starting to feel better because she actually ate some oatmeal and an apple for breakfast this morning. That's more than she's had all week.

It's only 8:30 in the morning and we've already been outside to play with bubbles twice. She is still fascinated with bubbles. It's so cute now that she can actually run after them and try to pop them.

Well, I better go. She is being a little too quiet in her playroom. That's never good. :)

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Poor Baby!

Well, I was right about the virus! I took Ava to the doctor this afternoon and her tongue and the back of her throat are covered in blisters. The doctor said the blisters are very painful and that is definitely the source of her fever. He said young kids often tell you their ears hurt when they have this because throat pain transfers to the ears and they can't tell the difference. Unfortunately, it is just a virus and the only thing we can give her is motrin. I just wish there was more I could do for her. I hope she is able to sleep and it isn't another long night!

I Voted Today!

Ava and I just got back from voting, and I was so excited that it only took us about 5 minutes. I was terrified of waiting in line for 2 hours with a toddler! I wanted to take a picture of Ava "voting" for the first time, but I wasn't sure that was allowed. :)

I love election day. I hate all the political stuff leading up to it, but the actual day is so exciting! I'm actually a little nervous to see how this is all going to turn out. Hopefully, we have a clear winner tonight!!

I hope you are all planning to vote today!!

Now on to Ava...she is still sick! We had a terrible night last night and she woke up screaming every couple of hours. So, we have an appointment this afternoon. I'm sure they will tell me it is just a virus (like always), but I'll feel better once I know. I'll let y'all know what the doctor says later today. Wow, I may actually post twice in one day! However, I'm not sure anyone even reads my blog anymore...

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Sick Baby

Our poor little baby is sick! She has been so pitiful today. She woke up with a fever of 103 and then vomited in the car. She has just been laying around all day which is quite a change for an active 21 month old! This is how she spent most of the day...

If she wasn't laying on the couch, she was sitting in her chair with a blanket over her legs. I'm not sure when she turned into an old lady! :) We hope she is feeling much better tomorrow. I did love all the extra hugs and kisses today. It's nice when they want to sit in your lap and snuggle again.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Happy Halloween

Ava has a blast last night trick or treating. At first she wasn't too sure about all of it, but then she realized they were handing out candy! She had a great time with her cousins Caleb and Levi. Ava went as a giraffe, Caleb was Batman, and Levi was Robin. They were all adorable. Here are a few pictures from last night.

Ava getting her Halloween basket from Gigi and Pops

This is when she wasn't quite sure what we were making her do

Then we met up with Caleb and Levi and the fun began

Ava and Caleb would hold hands walking from house to house

Ava and Levi got tired and decided it was more fun to ride in the wagon

Then, Mommy gave in and Ava got her first lollipop. She was sticky after that!!

Just for comparison, this was Ava and Caleb last year on Halloween

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