Saturday, January 20, 2007

She's Here

this is Jennifer, Kimberly's sister...

I just wanted to let everyone know that Miss Ava Grace arrived early! She was born yesterday, January 19, at 3:14pm, 4 weeks early. She weighs 4 lbs. 6oz., and is 18.5 in. long. She has RED hair, long fingers, and long feet! Ava is TINY and BEAUTIFUL!!!

Ava is in NICU, and will be for at least a week. Kimberly went in for a routine doctor's appointment on Thursday and Ava's heart rate dropped (on top of an ultrasound that showed she was smaller than they wanted her to be), so the doctor induced her about 4am Friday morning.

Kimberly and Kurt are still getting used to the fact that they are parents (!) and have a baby in NICU. Kimberly is very tired, so we're hoping she'll get some good rest tonight. She will probably be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, but she can stay in her room while Ava is in the NICU so she doesn't have to go back and forth to the hospital every few hours.

Please pray that Ava's lungs will heal completely and that she will be able to hold fluids so she can gain the weight she needs.

Ava holding her Poppa's finger. She is SO small!

Ava and her Poppa:

All stretched out...

If you leave comments for Kimberly, I will print them out and take them to the hospital tomorrow when I go. I know she would love to hear from you all.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations as well! Thank you so much for sending the pictures yesterday. Jett has been running around the house saying Baby Claire..Baby Ava. We are all so excited she is finally here.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. We pray that God will just wrap his loving arms around you and give you comfort knowing he is in control!!

Just imagine all those Angels around her...what a sight!

We love you all,
Laura, Shay and Jett

Anonymous said...

oh Kurt...did she open her eyes when she was born? :)


LisaN said...

I am so thankful that you and Ava are both safe and healthy, and I pray that the Lord would watch over her and help her lungs to open up and gain more weight so that she can go home with you and let you enjoy just being her mommy!

"Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand" (Isaiah 41:10).

God is cradling you and little Ava in the palm of His hand, Kimberly. He is watching over you both and loves you so dearly!

As I looked at the pictures Jennifer posted on your blog, I was reminded that the Lord has indeed given you the miracle you have been waiting for... although a little earlier than you planned! :-)

With love and prayers,

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!! I'm soooo excited! I can't wait to see her in real person. She is really big for being a month early! She got a head start on this premature thing. Anyway, I was going to call you tomorrow, but I know soooo many people are calling, my mom being probably in the number one on the amount of calls. So i will comment because i have been checking almost hourly for pictures! Kimberly I hope you are feeling ok. At least she was littler so you didn't have to birth a big babe. Kurt i hope you are feeling ok too. I know it must have been stressful. Now you get to hold her. I love you guys. Hi to everyone else. Courtney

Aggiema (Michelle) said...

Congratulations on your beautiful new baby! I pray God's richest blessings on you and your new family. I pray that you will find the peace to get through these rough few days and that Ava will soon be home, growing in God's grace. Blessings!

victoria said...

Congratulations to all three of you. Praying for Ava's strength and may you all get the rest you need. She is beautiful!!

Beck Boys said...

Congratulations on the arrival of Ava. She is beautiful. I know God will hear your (our)prayers and help her gain stength. Enjoy every minute as she will grow fast. We will continue to pray for all of you.
The Beck's
Andy, Lyneil, Braxton, and Brazos

Anonymous said...


Congratulations! I've been thinking of you and wondering how my "labor buddy" was doing. We (the other mommas-to-be on Babycenter and TheMommyClubHouse) are thinking of you and will continue to pray for both you and Ava! Can't wait to see more pics.

BTW, at my internal exam last Fri, my Dr. said that our boy could come at any moment. I also lost my mucous plug yesterday. I will keep you updated. Email me when you get a chance. (

God Bless and Congratulations on Ava's arrival! She's beautiful!

peg said...

I'm a friend of Lisa Nobles and am praying for you all. God bless baby Ava!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm a reader of Dave and Lisa Noble's blog (friend of dave's from college) and saw the post about your baby there. My firstborn was a NICU baby and so I always feel especially burdened for other parents in the same situation. Mine was born at 34 weeks, 5lb 8 oz(he was going to be really big), 9 days in the NICU. He had trouble keeping his lungs inflated and was on a CPAP, fed by tube, etc. It was a long hard road in the beginning but we made it through. Now he is five years old and very healthy, very happy. I will be praying for you and your baby. I know the NICU is a very hard place to be. Congratulations and may God bless your new family.
Teresa Maier

Anonymous said...

I didn't even know you had a blog! I LOVE your nursery bedding and furniture. It's just what I wanted for Claire's room =) I can't wait to see Ava and visit you all. I'm going to come by after work tomorrow and will call you soon after I write this. Just reading everything makes me want to have another baby even more! Love you guys and we are all praying for you
Kathryn, Neil & Claire

Jenn @ Knee-Deep in Munchkin Land said...

Oh my... oh my!! Every mother's worst fear, huh?! Kimberly, you and your family will be in my prayers. Your daughter is absolutely beautiful and I'm so happy that she arrived safely. I'll pray for her continued strength to come home as soon as possible! We are thinking of you guys!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I can't believe she's here already. Congratulations to you both. She's just precious! I know this must be a scary time for you in many ways, but we are praying for yall and that sweet little girl. It's hard to come to the realization that you're a parent and that Ava is still working on her lungs. I hope that you both get some rest. I hope that I will get to see you and meet Ava when we come to Texas. Congratulations again!

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