Tuesday, January 02, 2007

34 Weeks

Tomorrow I will be 34 weeks. I can't believe Ava is due in 6 weeks! I still have so much to do before she arrives. Kurt is getting really anxious. I think he is getting tired of me having her all to myself. He keeps saying he can't wait for her to get here so he can see her and hold her and kiss her. He is going to be such a great dad. I can't wait to see them together.

I had a dr. appointment today. My blood pressure and Ava's heartbeat were really good, but I am still measuring small. My doctor was on vacation, so I saw the nurse practitioner. She was concerned about my size, so she is sending me for another sonogram next week. She just wants to make sure Ava is growing the way she should before I see the doctor next time. We are so excited that we get to see Ava again. I can't wait to see how much she has grown since we saw her last at 19 weeks. I hope they can check again to make sure she really is a girl. I really don't think they made a mistake, but it would be comforting since EVERYTHING she has is pink! They also confirmed today that Ava is head down and "in position". The nurse practitioner said it is unlikely that she would turn back around at this point. I will let everyone know what happens with the sonogram next week. Hopefully, I will have new sonogram pictures to post!


Anonymous said...

We can't wait to see her and hold her and kiss her too!!
Love you, Mom

victoria said...

good luck in your last few weeks. get rest, pamper yourself, sleep, do yoga, get a pedicure, and sleep some more. the bedding is beautiful, I know you guys are ready to meet your miracle!

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