Tuesday, September 01, 2009

2 Month Check-Up

I took Audrey to the doctor today for her 2 month check-up. Actually, I took both of the girls, and I hope I won't be doing that again for a long time. Our doctor is always, always on time, so I didn't think it would be a big deal. The one time I take both of them by myself, the doctor is an hour and a half late!!! By the time the doctor got in there, Ava had turned into a wild woman and Audrey was starving. I was trying to talk to the doctor over 2 kids fussing/making tons of noise. It was awesome! On top of all of that, Audrey got three shots and Ava and I got the flu mist. We'll all cranky by dinner time. :)

Anyway, here are Audrey's stats from today:

Weight: 9 lbs. 2 oz. (10%)
Height: 22 in. (25%)
Head: 15 in. (35%)

Audrey is still little, but she is gaining really well! I was glad to see she is over 9 lbs. even if it was with a cloth diaper on. I can't believe some people have 9 lb. babies! Ava weighed 6 lbs. 9 oz. at 2 months, so Audrey seems chunky to us!!

We had her check-up a few days early because the doctor wanted to check her hip click again before he sent us for the ultrasound. Her left hip is still clicking and her right hip was clicking a little too. So, it looks like we're off to the hospital on Thursday for the ultrasound. The doctor said we should have the results within 24 hours.

I'm almost afraid to write it, but Audrey has been sleeping 9-9.5 hours every night. It is so nice! The doctor said most moms of 2 month old babies would hate me. She has also moved her bedtime up a little, so she is now going to bed at 10pm. This seems so much more manageable than 11 or 12. I feel like we're starting to get some sleep.

Audrey is starting to get a little personality. She is smiling at us and "talking" to us. It is soooo adorable!! I want her to stay little forever, but I'm glad she is interacting with us a little.

It's too late, so I'll try to put pictures up tomorrow. I'll leave you with a few of Audrey's 2 week pictures.


Jennifer said...

So cute! And glad she's "chunky." :-)

I hope the ultrasound goes well.

Mindi Tipps said...

Your pictures are AMAZING! Audrey is precious and I'm glad you guys seem to be doing well!

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