Friday, December 17, 2010

Santa Pictures

I just remembered that I promised I would post pictures of the girls with Santa. One of my girls was not thrilled about Santa, can you tell which one?

I really love the second picture of Ava with Santa. This is the first year she would even go close to him. She is so excited about Christmas, and I can't wait to see how excited she is after Santa visits our house!

I was going to put this in another post, but I'll just add it here. :) Here is a conversation I had with Ava this morning after I noticed the container of fudge on the counter was slightly open.

Me: Ava, did you eat some fudge?

Ava: Yes.

Me: Were you supposed to do that?

Ava: No, but it's not my fault! It was just sitting on the counter staring at me. (pause) So, I ate it!

I probably should have been mad, but I can totally relate. Both of the girls got my sweet tooth. :)

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

That is hilarious about the fudge! Very cute Santa pictures!

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