Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ava's going to have a....

Little Sister!!! Apparently, Ava was right! We are so excited! We had our ultrasound this morning and the baby looks really good! She is measuring right on track. I can't wait to start getting her nursery together. We'll be doing that much earlier this time. Neither one of us want to be stressed out that it's not finished when this baby arrives.

Many people have already asked, so I'll put it on here. We are naming her Audrey Kate. I just love Ava and Audrey together!

We didn't get any great profile shots, but here are a couple pictures from out ultrasound today.

Definitely a girl!

Here is a cute picture of her foot.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ava's Gender Prediction

This morning I was telling Ava that we are going to the doctor tomorrow to see the baby and find out if the baby is a boy or a girl. She immediately said "girl". I asked her if she thought mommy was having a boy or a girl and she said "girl" again. Then she pointed to my stomach and said, "baby girl, yeah, baby girl." I guess we'll see if Ava's gender prediction is correct. :)

Then, I was telling her that she is going to play with Gigi while Mommy goes to the doctor tomorrow. She told me she wanted the baby to stay and play. Yes, the baby in my tummy. Obviously, she gets that there is a baby, but she can't figure out why it won't come out and play with her. :)

I can't wait to tell her about all of these sweet comments when she is older. She is so sweet to the baby. She will come up, rub my belly, and then give "the baby" a big kiss. Ava is going to make a great big sister!

Well, it's time for Ava's swimming lesson. I really need to take my camera and get some pictures of her. She is doing so good!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Oh no...

A few minutes ago, I was in the bathroom putting on my makeup so Ava and I can go to the grocery store. Ava grabbed my hand-held mirror off the counter, looked at herself in it, and said, "wow, I'm cute!" Of course, I died laughing as she was running around the house with the mirror less than an inch from her face staring at herself. What have we done?? Maybe I should quit telling her she's the cutest girl in the whole wide world? ;)

Our "big" ultrasound is one week from today!! I can't wait! If you're wondering how Ava is feeling about this pregnancy, I think this picture will sum it up.

Yes, that is my pregnancy journal and she scratched out the pregnant lady on the cover. Here is a closer picture.

The scary thing is that she found a pen, went into my room, found the journal, and started writing on the front. There were several other books right with that one and she didn't write on any of those. :)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

1 Week 6 Days...

Until we find out the sex of our baby!! I am soooo excited! I had a check-up today and we got to schedule our "big" ultrasound. I hope the next 2 weeks fly by! It will be so nice to say girl or boy and call the baby by name!! Also, my check-up went fine. The baby's heartbeat was nice and strong. This baby is acting just like Ava and hanging out really, really low!! I am tall and have plenty of room for these babies, but they like to snuggle up right at the bottom! :)

We also had Ava's 2 year check-up last week. She is also doing great! Here are her stats:
Height: 37" (>95%)
Weight: 25 lbs. 8 oz. (35%)

She is really tall!! She is "off the charts" for her age. The doctor kept commenting on her height. I thought she might be taller than average because other moms always comment on how tall she is when they find out her age.

I've been waiting for her to turn two because there is this cool height predictor on that you can use when your child turns 2. They take their height and weight at age two along with the mom and dad's height and tell you how tall your child will be at 18. I just did this and it says Ava will be 5 ft. 11 in.! The disclaimer says there is a 50% chance the child will be within 0.7 in. of that height and a 90% chance that the child will be within 1.7 in. of that height. It will be really interesting to see how accurate the predictor turns out to be. Our pediatrician thinks she'll be really tall, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

I need to take a new belly shot and post pictures of Ava's second birthday party. I may try to do that a little later.

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