Wednesday, May 13, 2009

30 Weeks

I am 30 weeks and 3 days pregnant and things are not going as well as I had hoped. I really wanted a completely uneventful pregnancy this time, but it seems our little girls like to make us worry quite a bit!

About 2 weeks ago, I started having contractions. We were in San Antonio for a long weekend and took Ava to Sea World. I guess that was too much on my pregnant body and I had contractions for the rest of the weekend. They continued throughout the week, but they would get better if I was resting/laying down. On Friday, I spent the day cleaning the house, doing laundry, packing to go to my parents' house, etc. I was contracting all day, but I didn't pay much attention. I knew we had a 3 hour drive ahead of us, so I thought things would calm down then. We got into the car and the contractions weren't getting better. We finally started timing them and they were 6 minutes apart. After an hour and a half in the car, we stopped to call my midwife. One of the OBs in the practice called us back and told us to go to the hospital to get checked out. So, we spent Friday evening in the hospital monitoring contractions and never did make it to my parents' house for Mother's Day.

The OB at the hospital wanted us to follow-up with my midwife early this week. I went to the doctor on Tuesday. I was afraid she was going to put me on bedrest, so I had a list of arguments against this scenario ready to go. Needless to say, she didn't listen to any of them, but did agree to "modified" bedrest since I stay at home with Ava. Basically, she told me I can get up to fix Ava something to eat, dress her, etc., but the rest of the time I should be sitting or preferably laying down. She said I need to get creative with activities I can do with Ava while sitting down. All of this is easier said than done. I am finding it almost impossible to sit down all day without running after a 2 year old.

Of course, I'll do whatever I can to make sure Audrey is healthy. My midwife said she will be happy if I make it to 35 weeks and ecstatic if I make it to 37. I told her I'm going to be sitting there fat and still pregnant at 42 weeks since she said that. :) She also said I can stay on modified bedrest as long as things don't progress. If anything changes, she will decide between strict bedrest and hospital bedrest. Those two options make modified bedrest sound great!

Anyway, I'm sure I'll be checking in a lot more due to my current situation. I got a new laptop, so I can post without getting up now!!

Those are all the details I can remember now. It's late and I'm exhausted. I'll make sure all the details make sense tomorrow. :)


Haley said...

We will keep you in our prayers. Sounds like a good excuse for Ava to watch her fair share of cartoons. William watched tons of t.v. when I was so sick at the begininning of the pregnancy and he survived :-)

Jennifer said...

I agree...don't feel guilty about Ava watching too much TV or not doing enough for her. You have to take care of yourself and Audrey and Ava will be FINE!! You will all make it through these weeks! I hope I'll be able to help as much as possible in the next two weeks before I leave. I love you!

Mindi Tipps said...

Praying for you and Audrey!

Claire & Eden said...

Wow! Sounds so much like what I went through with Eden. I was 30 weeks when I was put on strict bedrest along with medicine to take every four hours. The day they took me off (at 35) I had Eden. I know it's hard but it's worth everyday Audrey will be in there. They were hoping for 37 weeks too but Eden just couldn't wait to join us.

I will pray for you all! It was really hard on Neil but he was Super hubby taking such good care of Claire. One word of advice is to take all the help that is offered and don't be worried about asking for it! I just had to swallow my pride and know I couldn't do it by myself. I had Claire with someone or someone at the house with me every weekday morning.

Praise God for a wonderful church family!

love you guys

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