Monday, April 26, 2010

9 Months

Since Audrey will be 10 months next week, I thought it was about time for me to do her 9 month post. :)

Audrey is doing really well. She is a fantastic sleeper and napper which makes my life so much easier. She loves to play with her big sister, and she thinks Ava is hilarious. She is now pulling up on EVERYTHING. She tries to take a few steps while we hold her hands, but she isn't very close to walking. She still only has her bottom two teeth, but I keep waiting for a few more to come in. It looks like she will get the two on their side of the two she already has, but they just won't pop through. She is going to look really funny with four on the bottom and nothing on top!

We had Audrey's 9 month pictures scheduled for the weekend before last, but Ava got sick literally minutes before we were supposed to leave. We had to cancel, and I really need to get them taken this weekend.

Here are Audrey's stats from her check-up:

Height: 27 1/4 in. (50%)
Weight: 15 lbs. 6 oz. (5%)
Head: 17 in. (25%)

Here are Ava's stats from the same age:

Height: 29 in. (90%)
Weight: 16 lbs. 11 oz. (15%)

Audrey is officially smaller than her sister at the same age. Everyone thought Ava was tiny, but Ava had Audrey beat by over a pound. For the record, the doctor is not worried about Audrey's weight. She eats well and is doing everything she should be doing at this age. He thinks she is just small.

I'll leave you with a few pictures from this morning. By the time I walked into Audrey's room when she woke up, Ava had already climbed into her bed to tell her good morning. Audrey was excited to have her big sister in her bed. :)

Ava's Fake Smile

This isn't a great picture of Ava, but I LOVE Audrey's dimples!!

By the way, the thing over the front of her crib is to protect the wood from our little teether. Ava chewed on her crib and we are trying to keep that from happening with Audrey's.


Claire & Eden said...

YEAH!! What cute pictures! So sweet =)

Jennifer said...

Love, Love, Love that first picture of them! Audrey has such a big smile. I cannot wait for my boys to play with your girls in just a few weeks!! Love you all!

Tiffany said...

Aw, what cute little sisters they are! Glad Audrey is doing well at 9 months. I can't believe 9 months have already passed since you had her! Everyone thought Audrey was SO adorable at the baby shower a couple weeks ago, moving around on the floor. Both of your girls are really cute!

Krystal said...

VERY cute! They are both adorable! And yes, Audrey was ADORABLE at the shower! Tiffany just gave me the pictures she took and there are some cute ones of Audrey! If you don't have them I'll have to email them to you. Faster then walking next door with them... haha!

Anonymous said...

How precious that Ava climbs into bed with Audrey to say good morning. She is such a loving 'big sister'. You and Kurt are truly blessed Kimberly! Thanks for sharing the pictures. I hope Nana gets to see them. Love you all! God's blessings!!! ~Lyn~

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