Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Oh my...

I think I am getting a glimpse of what the teenage years are going to be like around our house. Ava has very specific ideas about what she wants to wear. She does things like refusing to wear leggings under her dresses because she would rather put a pair of jeans on under them. Where has she even seen that???

Yesterday, I was getting her ready to go to my sister's house and she refused to leave the house wearing a brown bow. It's not that she didn't want to wear a bow. She just wanted to wear a white bow. Yes, they both matched her outfit, but the brown bow was so cute! I gave in and put a white bow in her hair. She then smiled, hopped down off the bed, and said, "I'm ready now!"

This morning, I got her dressed for swimming lessons and put her lime green cover-up on her. She has green sandals that match this perfectly that she wears every week to swimming. Today, she wanted to wear her brown shoes! She sat in the living room floor saying she would not wear her green shoes until I threatened not to take her to swimming. :) She reluctantly put on her green shoes, took one look at them, then said, "but I want to wear brown", as if to make her point one final time.

Fast forward to after swimming. I was changing her clothes before her nap to put her in something more comfortable. I chose a cute blue shirt with matching striped shorts. She had a complete meltdown because she wanted to wear green. Of course she wanted to wear green now! I told her it was just for her nap and she could wear the blue shirt. What does she say? "But I look cute in green!" Yes, she is only 2 years and 3 months old. Who knows who may sneak into her room and catch her wearing a blue shirt to bed. Oh, the embarrassment!!


Claire & Eden said...

That's hilarious and oh so familiar!

Jennifer said...

I so cannot relate to this. :-) And where does she get it because you never matched a day in your life until you were in junior high! We have some AWESOME pictures of you wearing AWESOME things. ;-)

Mindi Tipps said...

This made me laugh! Is this what I have to look forward to with Aubrey? Glad you are going through it first so you can give me pointers!

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