Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Once again, I have been scolded for not updating my blog, so here we go...

Ava is now over 4 months old. I can't believe how fast she is growing. At her 4 month check-up, she weighed 11 lbs. 6 oz. and was 24 1/4 in. long. On the 4 month chart, she was 10% on weight and 50% on height. They said she is doing so well that there is no need to move her back to the 3 month chart. She is meeting all of the developmental milestones for a 4 month old and is even doing great with her neck and back muscles. The doctor said she doesn't think Ava is going to need physical therapy, but we are continuing with the evaluation process just in case. Apparently, Mommy's baby boot camp is working! We were very excited to finally get a good report.

Now for some cute stories about Ava...

When we took Ava for her check-up, we were still very concerned about her neck muscles. We had never seen this doctor before, so I was filling her in on Ava's issues. She said she would take a look at Ava's head control. First, she sits Ava on the table while holding her at the waist. Ava just sat there looking at the doctor and did not bobble her head one time! She had never done that before. Naturally, I start explaining that she really does have a problem and if she would put her on her stomach she would see that Ava is not able to lift her head off the table. So, the doctor puts Ava down on the tummy and Ava not only lifts her head, but she puts both elbows underneath her, raises her chest off the table, and starts looking around. Kurt and I just looked at each other in disbelief. Once again, she had never done that before. She was just showing off for the doctor. The doctor now thinks we are crazy. Oh well... at least Ava is doing better.

This is actually a cute story about Daddy(Kurt). A week before Ava turned 4 months, Kurt and I decided that it was time Ava moved to her own room. She had been sleeping in a cradle right beside our bed since she came home. So, we went through our before bed routine and put Ava down in her own room around 10:00pm (this was actually early for her). She went right down and fell asleep immediately. Of course, Kurt and I checked on her a million times and watched her with our video monitor from our room. Around midnight, we were turning off the lights to go to bed when Kurt jumped out of bed and said, "I'm not ready for this." A few seconds later, he was walking back into our room with Ava in his arms explaining to me that Ava was not ready either. He said we moved too fast moving her from right beside me to her own room. He then moved the cradle a few feet away to the wall and said Ava will sleep there until they are both ready. Almost three weeks later, Ava is still in our room. Apparently, she will be ready after our vacation in the middle of June. We may have her out by the time she is 5 months!!

I was going to tell a few more stories, but this has already turned into a novel. I will get to the part people really want to and video. I finally got around to uploading video to our computer, so I will post several more videos once I find the time to edit them. The one I am posting today is of Ava laughing. She thinks Daddy is soooo funny.

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This is Ava sitting in her bumbo. Once again, she can actually sit better than this, but Mommy is not very quick with the camera.

Yesterday, I put Ava under her play gym while I did the dishes. She must have played really hard because when I went back in a couple of minutes to check on her, this is what I found.

I promise to post more often. These last few weeks have been very hectic. Grandma and Poppa are coming this weekend, so I am sure I will have more pictures to post.


Anonymous said...

Ava, you are sooooo beautiful! What's this? You are looking more and more like Daddy????? Ok, when you smile, you look like Mommy, when you make those cute expressions, you look like Daddy! And that laugh! How precious!! I love you so and can't wait to see you this weekend with Grandma and Poppy! Love and hugs, prayers too, Aunt Lynnie

Jennifer said...

Wow, she really is looking more and more like Kurt, especially in that Bumbo picture. Her laugh is adorable!

Now, can you school me on how to put videos on the blog? I'm apparently inept.

Jenn @ Knee-Deep in Munchkin Land said...

She is beautiful! You should be so proud! Isn't it funny how our babies always want to prove us wrong in front of doctors? Oh well, I guess its their way of preparing us for the teenage years! =)

victoria said...

finally! I check your blog often and so I am glad to see a new post. Sounds like Miss Ava is doing great--she is a doll! Hope you guys have a great vacation!

Aggiema (Michelle) said...

hopefully Daddy....uhhh I mean Ava will be ready for her own bedroom in a couple of more weeks. Too funny! Thanks for the pictures, she is really filling out. My daughter used to have an ear infection almost everytime we would go to the pediatrician for her shots, and they would look at me like "you horrible mother, how could you not know".... now I take her in just positive that she has an ear infection and she is fine! Can't win even now!

Anonymous said...

WHat a Sleeping Beauty! I think you have princess material on your hands! From the story it is ALL Daddy's fault! We are glad to hear things are going in the right direction. Keep up the hard work Mommy!
visit: BuddhaBelly

Melissa Grooters said...

Oh my goodness, she's adorable. She does look a lot like Kurt, it's amazing. It sounds like yall are doing great and I bet you're enjoying every moment you get to stay home with Ava and not have to go to work! I love the video! Hope to talk to you soon.

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