Monday, December 20, 2010

Little Mommy

I think Ava has been listening to her pregnant mama a little too much lately. I was in the office doing a couple of things and hear her moaning and groaning in the kitchen. I asked her what was wrong and she said, "I spilled some water, and now I have to clean it up. And, I'm just so tired!!" This really made me giggle. :)

Since we're on the subject, I'll give a little pregnancy update. I am 30 weeks pregnant now. I honestly can't believe I just typed "30 weeks"!! For the most part, I am still feeling good. As Ava pointed out, I am a little tired. :) Of course, everyone is a little tired this time of year, so I'm sure it is only compounded by being so pregnant. I am having a little trouble bending over to tie my own shoes and putting on socks is a little tricky, but I'm definitely nowhere close to the "completely miserable" stage yet.

I am enjoying feeling my little girl move around in my belly, and I'm not ready to give that up yet. There is something about knowing this is my last baby that makes it that much more special. I am getting excited to meet her, but I would prefer she stay in for at least 7 more weeks. Actually, she better stay in for that long because we have done nothing, absolutely nothing, to prepare for her arrival. :) Ava is still sleeping in what will be Amelia's nursery, I haven't even considered getting baby clothes down from the attic to wash, the cradle is still being stored at my parents' house, her room hasn't been painted, etc. As you can see, we're going to be very busy after Christmas. I do have to say I have been more relaxed about getting all of that done this time. I think Kurt would actually agree! :)

Audrey is walking around saying, "eat, eat", so I better go get lunch ready.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Santa Pictures

I just remembered that I promised I would post pictures of the girls with Santa. One of my girls was not thrilled about Santa, can you tell which one?

I really love the second picture of Ava with Santa. This is the first year she would even go close to him. She is so excited about Christmas, and I can't wait to see how excited she is after Santa visits our house!

I was going to put this in another post, but I'll just add it here. :) Here is a conversation I had with Ava this morning after I noticed the container of fudge on the counter was slightly open.

Me: Ava, did you eat some fudge?

Ava: Yes.

Me: Were you supposed to do that?

Ava: No, but it's not my fault! It was just sitting on the counter staring at me. (pause) So, I ate it!

I probably should have been mad, but I can totally relate. Both of the girls got my sweet tooth. :)

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Christmas and Pregnancy

We've been busy around here getting everything ready for Christmas. The house is decorated inside and out, all of the presents are bought, Christmas cards have been mailed, packages have been sent, and I've been wrapping presents like crazy! I hope to be done with the wrapping soon because I like to just sit back and enjoy the last couple of weeks before Christmas. I still have some baking to do, but I'm not sure how much will get done. I have a cookie exchange next week which I'm really excited about, but I've decided I'm not going to kill myself trying to make tons of stuff this year. I think having two kids and being 31 weeks pregnant at Christmas gives me an excuse to take it easy this year, right??

I had a doctor's appointment today. I am 28 weeks and 4 days. The contractions have already started just as they did with my first two babies, so my midwife checked me today to make sure they weren't causing me to progress. Things look good so far, but she said with things following the same pattern as the last two, she is expecting to deliver a baby at 37 weeks. This has tentatively been our plan all along, but she was hoping everything would look good and we could try to let me go full term. She said today that she is pretty positive that's not going to happen. We are going to start weekly ultrasounds and non-stress tests at 35 weeks. So, that means little Amelia may be here in 8.5 weeks!! I need to take a deep breath because that seems unbelievable!

Santa will be working all night to get Ava and Audrey's room ready for Christmas morning. That means we have to get busy on Amelia's room right after Christmas. Thinking about putting Christmas decorations away, decorating a nursery, washing baby clothes, getting all of the baby stuff ready again, etc. makes me tired. :) I need that nesting boost of energy. I learned today that despite taking iron pills once a day, I am still anemic. This might explain my lack of energy. I'm really hoping the boost in iron will give me a boost in energy as well.

I know everyone really comes here for pictures, but that would require that I actually plug my camera into the computer to see what new pictures I have to share. I promise I'll do that soon, but it's not happening today. You'll all be on picture overload again soon with Christmas, a New Year's wedding, Ava's birthday in January, and then Amelia's birth. Check back soon because I'm picking up the pictures of the girls' with Santa on Saturday. Even though I haven't seen them yet, I can promise you that Audrey's reaction to Santa will not disappoint!

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